• An Anxious Persons Mind | Thoughts That Go Through Our Minds

    thoughts on anxious mind

    I have been feeling a little poop recently so I wanted to get some things off my chest and write another post on my anxiety and clear somethings up. These are some thoughts that go through an anxious persons mind. There is some overlap in this post along with my 7 Stupid Things I Get Anxious About post and my Anxiety vs Dating post.

    I’m currently ‘trying’ to date with very little success and it’s really getting to me. I know most people would tell me to take it slow and not let it get to me but actually it’s easier said than done. I am really trying not to rush into things but the truth is I’m ready for a relationship now and I just really want to be with someone now. Here are some thoughts on an anxious persons mind that we go through daily.

    Thoughts that go through an anxious persons mind are horrible! 

    I’ve been waiting 4 years – isn’t that long enough? I’ve just started to a guy who I think is really great and I’m trying really hard not to scare him away aha. There are quite a few thoughts that go through anxious people’s mind that some people think they are acting crazy and need to relax. It’s quite hard when you fear for the worst but you’ve just got to take each day as it comes and take a deep breath when you feel anxious.


    I hate it when I get the feeling that someone hates me, I don’t want to be hated especially when I haven’t done anything wrong. I always freak out when I’ve sent a message to someone and they either read it and don’t reply for ages or take ages to read it, now I know they might be busy but it still freaks me out when I don’t hear back from them because you fear what you’ve said has annoyed them.


    Whenever I see someone talking to other people more than me I freak out and automatically think they hate me. My tummy gets horrible flutters and I feel quite sick because I worry that they don’t want to talk to me anymore and that I’ve lost them.


    I always fear that people I talk to are going to leave me eventually or soon if I keep talking to them. Being left and abandoned is one of my biggest fears and I’d hate to find out someone who I thought liked me would end up leaving me for no reason.


    Someone with anxiety and in fact any mental illness knows how crazy they sound when they have an attack and freak out but it’s a mental illness sufferers worst fear if someone else thinks they’re being crazy and freaking out over nothing.


    The last thing a mental illness sufferer wants to be is be annoying. They just want people to understand what they are going through and for people to understand why they freak out.

    Images used in this post are credit to Ivory Mix.

    What anxious thoughts go through your head? How do you cope from anxious thoughts?