Using The Nintendo Switch: Perfect For The Whole Family

the nintendo switch

Have you heard of Nintendo’s brand new games console yet? Both my brother & I had been thinking of getting the Nintendo Switch for quite sometime and decided to split the cost between us and get it just before Christmas so the family can play together during Christmas. We’ve been testing out a few games from Snipper Clips, Super Mario Odyssey and Rayman Legends.


The Nintendo Switch is a brand new games console which is taking the gaming world by storm. A new release from the Nintendo creators which is set to replace the Wii, Wii U. And all of the Nintendo DS consoles completely. The idea is to create a gaming device in which you can use both at home and on the go.

At home you can place your console screen into the docking station to connect it to your TV. Or use the joycons with a strap around your wrist or slot them into the handheld controller. A bit like a XBOX or PS4 controller whereas being on the go. You can slot them into the console screen for a handheld device a little bit like the PSP console.

Easy to use and perfect for the whole family

The Nintendo Switch is slowly releasing more and more games some of which have been highly anticipated since the consoles release back in March 2017, some of the games include Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, Mario Kart 8 and Snipper Clips. You can either purchase the games code via the Nintendo Store or you can buy the games card which is about the same size as a cameras memory card which slots into the console.

You can buy as many joycons and screens as you want so multiple players can play at the same time and compete against each other in multiplayer games – you can link up to 8 different consoles at one time to enjoy with a group of friends.

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When you buy the console it comes with two joycon controllers, the console screen and the docking station At the moment, you can either purchase the joycon controllers in grey or a blue/red combo. We purchased the grey version as it looks a lot more sleeker and less child-like.

The docking station not only connects the console to the TV but it also charges it all as well. You can play the switch in 3 different ways: Tv mode, Tabletop mode or Handheld mode. The joycon controllers also include a HD rumble feature which vibrates the controllers to bring an immersive gameplay experience that isn’t possible with images and sounds alone.

Multiple gaming styles and so many game choices

It kind of makes the console stand out from the rest along with the versatility of the console. The are multiple different accessories available so you can customise your console to how you like it with the exception of loads more being released in the year to come.

I have just read about a company called Yesojo who are bringing out a projector docking station for the Switch which is almost the same size as the original docking station but you can take it anywhere you go especially camping and project it onto a screen and play it on the go there, the projector docking station only comes with 4 hours of battery life but that could be changed if the new docking station proves popular.




Have you used the Nintendo Switch before? What are your thoughts on this new gaming console?

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