To My Future Love | 10 Things You Deserve In A Relationship

I’m not the best at giving relationship advice having only been in one remotely serious one myself but we all deserve to be treated with respect and have someone who loves us back unconditionally. I wanted to write this blog post that has been inspired by my Letter To Myself: I Think I Need To Grow Up Now post which I wrote a couple of weeks back. I wanted to write a little note to my future love filled with the things I think I deserve in a relationship after years of being single and struggling to date.
It received quite good comments and feedback from my readers so I wanted to write another one based on things I wanted to say regarding my future love/boyfriend/partner. We all have an idea of our dream partner that we want to spend the rest of our lives with and I wanted to get these things off my chest and if he is out there this is what I’ve wanted to say.
READ MORE: 12 Things You Deserve In A Relationship
01. Someone you can laugh with
02. To have someone you can trust
03. Someone to support you
04. To have someone you can share things with
05. Someone you can be yourself with
06. To find someone who would do anything for you
07. Someone who can help you progress on yourself
08. For someone who will love you at your best and your worst
09. Find someone who makes you feel better in your own skin
10. Someone who makes you a better version of yourself
Now there may be a few arguments to this when people say that another person shouldn’t make you feel better etc or that you shouldn’t rely on someone else to make you want to improve and be better but I feel like there is nothing better than having someone in your life who makes you feel good when they are around and makes you feel stronger than you actually are whether that be mentally, physically or even emotionally.
READ MORE: The Fuckboy List | Guys I’m Avoiding
I have only ever had one remotely serious relationship and been through a lot of shit. I’ve been single for 4 years and I’m ready for a relationship now. I really want someone to hold me and tell me everything’s ok, even if I feel like things aren’t ok. Someone to hold me close when I’m feel low and make me feel better and who brings out the best in me. A person who believes in me even when I don’t believe in myself.
Someone who supports me through everything and any decision I make. Who is willing to fight for me. Someone who will support me with my mental illness. Someone I can share my hobbies with. A person who knows they want me and goes for it. Someone who isn’t going to mess me around and play games. If you haven’t guessed by this I am a hopeless romantic and love all the cheesy relationship things!
Images used in this post are credit to Ivory Mix.
What do you want from your future relationship or your relationship in the future? Have you written your letter… To my future love?