My Being Bullied Experience & Celebrate National Stand Up To Bullying Day
Here is my personal post about my being bullied experience and celebrating National Stand Up To Bullying Day! The 5th of July marks National Stand Up To Bullying Day (follow the Twitter hashtag here) and before the day arrives I kind of wanted to share my experiences from being bullied.
It’s a very personal post to write but it has affected me in my adult life. And the aftermath I have to overcome in my everyday life. So I have been bullied since primary school all the way up to my last few years in secondary school. From people who I thought were my friends, clearly not.
Have you been bullied before? Read on for my being bullied experience.
The reasons from being bullied range from my appearance, my personal tastes and sometimes reasons that weren’t even true. These people basically lied to my face about being my friend. And then stabbed me in the back when they couldn’t be bothered anymore. No one, absolutely no one should be made to feel like that no matter what the situation is. School is meant for everyone to learn and to prepare for their future.
No one should be petrified to go in to school everyday and feel like they shouldn’t be there. I literally cried myself to sleep nearly every night. I’ve felt so hated even when I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t know who to trust or who was actually my friend. And I literally felt like ending it quite a few times. But I stayed strong and took every day as it came.
Being bullied so often throughout my school life I really wish I had stood up against the bullies. And told them where to stick it but I was scared and young. And I didn’t really know what the implications would be. Would they throttle me one, would they make the bullying worse and more frequent. If I could go back to my school life and come face to face with that bullying again I would totally tell them where to stick it and try and resolve the issues.
I literally spent every other week I’m sure at my schools Student Support Base which is where you go to get support from bullying, behavioural issues etc. It literally felt like a safe haven for me where I felt like I couldn’t be hurt anymore and I didn’t want to leave.
How was being bullied affected you?
I also hid in the toilets quite a few times because I didn’t want to go into class and face the ones who were bullying me and I just sat in there and cried till I couldn’t stop. School is meant to be a happy place to learn and prepare for your future. I now feel like I can’t trust anyone and it has given me lots of mental health issues in my adult life that will affect me in my future.
No one should have to put up with this so STAND UP and SPEAK OUT, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself like I was. I don’t want to hear anyone going through this like I have. If you haven’t already read my Anxiety post with a little info about my past bullying experiences – feel free to read it here!
This isn’t sponsored in any way I just wanted to refer back to my little hashtag at the beginning, my favourite book that I’m reading at the moment is Rising Strong by Brene Brown – it’s the perfect book if you are feeling a little low and need a little pick me up. It’s perfect for giving you little tips on how to make yourself feel better. Definitely check this book out!
Have you ever been bullied before? What was your experience like? How did you move on from it?