Lockdown Series & Movie Binge Watch Favourites Part 2 | Netflix Version
If you like me, love watching series and movies on Netflix and other streaming sites, you’ve probably watched quite a lot of your To Watch list throughout lockdown. I have been watching quite a lot during Lockdown 2.0 and with Lockdown 3.0 announced, I’m definitely going to be watching a lot more, so keep your eyes peeled for another favourites list. I wanted to share with you my favourites from Lockdown 2.0.

Recently widowed nurse practitioner Melanie Monroe moves away from Los Angeles to a small town called Virgin River after the death of her husband Mark. It takes her a little while to adjust to her new live in such a small town where everyone knows everyones business and maybe even falls in love again, with the local bar owner and ex Vet Jack Sheridan. #Mack or #Jelanie? Which ship name do you like best for them? Give it a watch and let me know. For such a small town, quite a lot happens especially when there is a lot of dodgy dealings going on with the local Pot farm and a couple of the other residents.
Suitable For: 12
Contains: Drug References, Language, Violence, Injury Detail
Maddie Townsend and her two best friends Dana Sue and Helen rely on each other to navigate through their personal lives in a small Southern town called Serenity. Maddie has just gone through a divorce to her husband Bill, after he cheated on her with a younger woman who he works with in the doctors surgery. They open a ladies spa together and work together through what’s thrown at them, with Maddie potentially falling in love with her sons baseball coach, Cal Maddox.
Suitable For: 12
Contains: Sexual Threat
This is a new favourite of mine and I’m so glad I have watched it. It stars Daniel Bruhl, Dakota Fanning and Luke Evans who work together to solve two serial killer cases across the first two seasons. It is set in 1896 Victoria era New York, where female equality isn’t quite there yet. Daniel Bruhl who stars as Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, an alienist who studies the criminally insane appoints Dakota Fanning’s Sara Howard, the first female employee and receptionist at the New York Police Department along with Luke Evan’s John Moore, a newspaper illustrator to help him solve the murders.
If you love period dramas and Jack The Ripper style stories, you will love this. It’s quite gruesome at times, especially to do with the murders but it’s an absolutely beautiful series and I can’t wait for season 3 to be released.
Suitable For: 15
Contains: Sex, Sexual Images, Sex References, Violence, Injury Detail, Threat, Violence References
READ MORE: Lockdown Series & Movie Binge Watch Favourites – Part 1
I’ve watched Locke & Key before when it first came out, but I wanted to watch it again and refresh my memory of what happened. I can’t wait for the second season to come out which I really hope it soon as we waited nearly a decade for season 1 to be done. I have also heard it’s been approved for a third season which is awesome.
The end of season 1 ended rather messy with Gabe being Dodge, Eden being struck by a demon at the result of Gabe moving out of the way when they opened the Omega door and Ellie being thrown behind the Omega door by accident as they thought it was Dodge.
Let’s hope the Locke kids can triumph against Dodge and her plans and get all of their keys back.
Suitable For: 15
Contains: Sex References, Violence, Suicide References, Threat
READ MORE: Lockdown Series & Movie Binge Watch Favourites

Download The App: TV Time
If you love your film and TV shows, I highly recommend downloading the app TV Time to your phone. It’s available on all devices and is completely free to download.
All you need to do is set up a profile and then you can record your shows and movies you watch and want to watch and then you can check them off as you watch and keep track of your binge watching.
It also gives you great recommendations and you can also interact with other watchers of the show/film and have your say. You can rate each episode and how it made you feel as well as so many other features. It alerts you when a new episode comes out and the best places to watch the episodes.
I actually watched the sequel to The Haunting Of Hill House during the first lockdown, but didn’t include it in my part one post of favourites. It’s a definite must watch, especially if you loved the first series. It features different characters but some of the same actors from Hill House and follows a different storyline of tragic goings on in a beautiful manor house in England. Alike Hill House, it is very clever the way the characters stories are told even in the most tragic way.
Suitable For: 15
Contains: Violence, Drug Misuse, Threat, Injury Detail, Language
If there is anything I’ve done during lockdown and furlough that is productive is extremely culling the items that don’t give me joy and organising drawers and cupboards around the house. I have binge watched The Home Edit, Marie Kondo and lots of organising YouTube videos to help organise my life better.
Suitable For: 12
Contains: Reality, Home & Garden, Lifestyle, Organisation, Makeover Reality TV
Whilst I’ve been typing up this post, Part 4 was released on Netflix on December 31st and I can’t believe it’s over! (I really hope it isn’t and I hope HBO pick it up). The finale really got me and I can’t stop crying at it. They have kind of left parts open so I really hope it does get picked up as they could easily take it further.
I hope Zelda puts Sabrina and Nick in the caine pit and brings them back. They deserve to be happy and together! <3. The whole season was awesome and very dark and I loved the Eldritch Terrors exploration in each episode. There was so much more growth in the characters paths and I’m glad that Roz found out she’s actually a witch.
I knew it was #Nabrina all the way!! <3 <3 <3
Suitable For: 15
Contains: Sex, Sex References, Threat, Injury Detail, Violence
If you love anything to do with period dramas or mysteries, then you’ll love The Irregulars. It’s set in Victorian London and is an interesting take on Sherlock Holmes with lots of mystery and horror elements within it. I absolutely love things like this so it was really easy for me to get into it and binge watch it very quickly. I can’t wait for more seasons to come out from them as I know they will be awesome and I can see a lot more coming from the stories and characters. I was gutted that Theo left Bea to go back to his castle but I’m hoping he will come back soon.
Update: I can’t believe Netflix have cancelled it after 1 season and it got so many good ratings and reviews. I really hope someone else can pick it up because there is so much story and character growth left to do!
Suitable For: 15
Contains: Threat, Injury Detail, Violence, Sexual Images, Sex References
Image used in this post is credit to Pixabay on Pexels.
Let me know if you’d like to read another binge watch favourites post, because I have lots to write about!

What have been your Netflix favourites this year? Let me know in the comments below.
Be kind,

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Ooh I’ve not heard of a lot of these, so thank you for sharing your suggestions. I think I need to give Sweet Magnolias another go 🙂
Thank you so much for commenting! It’s such a great series, enjoy 🙂
Oh thank you for this – interestingly we haven’t watched a single thing on your list!
You should definitely check them out! 🙂
I do love The Alienist! Not only is the story line amazing but the actors are awesome. I can´t wait for them to release a new season!
It’s so good, isn’t it! Which season was your favourite? I really hope it gets renewed and soon, as there is a trio of books so they’ve got to do a third season surely 😀
i haven’t watched any of these shows, I’ve been meaning to just chill out and watch more netflix or amazon prime video lately but I just haven’t got round to it yet. Great suggestions.
You should definitely check them out! Some great ones there to binge watch, so enjoy 😀 x
I see a couple of shows that I love here so I’m sure I’ll enjoy the others too! I loved both of the Haunting series and Virgin River x
They are so good aren’t they! I can’t wait for the new season of VR 😀 You should definitely watch the others x
I’ve not watched any of these shows but I love the sound of the organisational show – great post xx
You should definitely check them out. Yeah it’s a great show but terrible because it makes you want to organise and declutter EVERYTHINGGG in your house aha xx