Found Photos From New York & Orlando, USA

These are some very old found photos from New York and Orlando. I went to New York with my family in 2009. We went over my brothers birthday. He was 11 and I was 9 so it was a very long time ago. Especially for me to remember everything that happened. But I do remember all the amazing bits!
Trying to hunt down as many photos as I can is proving to be very difficult. We stayed in New York for about 4 days and stayed in The Roosevelt Hotel on 45th Street. I remember the amazing and huge chandelier in the reception area and a massive bar area with comfy sofas and big flat screen TVs showing all the American tv shows. We did lots of touristy things in New York obviously. I can’t wait to travel there again.
My found photos from New York & Orlando
We went up both the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building on special tours. Then we went to see New York Knicks play vs LA Lakers at Madison Square Garden and also visited the NBA store and my brother got lots of basketball merchandise with his birthday money. It was such an amazing experience and I will never forget how much fun it was. We also went on a boat tour around the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn, Manhattan & Williamsburg bridges and learnt all about how they were built and the history behind them.
♫ “Concrete jungle where dreams are made of “♫
We then spent the day and travelled to Ground Zero to visit the 9/11 memorial. During this time there was lots of builders cleaning up the rubble and remaining parts of the Twin Towers. And preparing to build the new tower. We visited the church was was opposite the Twin Towers which survived through the 9/11 attack. And was turned into a memorial for all of those who lost their lives in the disaster. It was very emotional seeing how many people lost their lives.
I knew someone who’s son was killed in the attack. He was a doctor and was attending a meeting in one of the towers. The guy I know saved my life when I was diagnosed with Bronchitis and it was his son who was killed. We went to a small part of Central Park but it was too big for us to view it all in the days we had in the city. We also visited the enormous M&M store filled with yummy goodness and we also visited the Build A Bear and Friends 2 B Made stores which were connected to each other and filled with 3 floors of awesomeness!
READ MORE: A Guide To Vaccinations And Visas Around The World

I know these photos look very professional – but I swear my Dad took them!
All photos in this post are mine!

Disney & other theme Parks
After spending a few days in cold cold New York we moved on to sunny Florida. We stayed in Kissimmee, Florida for 2 weeks and stayed in a lovely American villa/house which the owners rent out to holiday makers whilst they are away in other countries etc. It had a large pool out the back which was protected by netting as Florida is famous for their crocodiles and alligators.
Dad did venture out of the netting one day and we had to get him back inside as there was a large alligator not too far from his sun bed. The weather was constantly warm and sunny which was such a huge different from New York – we had to bring two completely different wardrobes. We ventured out to the various different parks within Orlando including Busch Gardens, Sea World Park, Discovery Cove and all of the Disney parks.
Then we spent a night in Downtown Disney and went to see a Cirque du Soleil show which was amazing and Planet Hollywood for dinner! We also had two nights out at Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede which was Dolly Parton performing all her biggest hits and lots of horse performances and line dance routines whilst having dinner.
Another was the Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament which was set in a medieval castle and we were given a knight to cheer for, there was 4 different teams and we wear the Green knight, we came second! 🙂 They had different challenges to complete and various other mini shows whilst we ate a medieval themed meal of tomato soup, meat casserole and berry pie for dessert.
NASA Space Centre
We also drove down to NASA Space Centre and spent the day on the beach and watched a massive group of motor bikes ride past with different leather jackets on. Spent the day exploring the NASA Space Centre and witnessed a space shuttle getting ready to launch. We spent another day out and went on a hover boat trip and explored mass grassland and looking out for alligators and crocodiles which we saw loads and it was great to learn all about them in their habitat.
Also we took another day out and went to Celebration. Which is a massive collection of lovely white expensive houses in Florida which had a car show on the day we went. It was filled with lots of old and retro cars which paraded the town and had lots of stalls and fair rides for you to enjoy.
We spent a few more days out and about and chilling in the villa which was huge. I had a walk in wardrobe and en suite bathroom. I really want to go back to America and go to all of the different states.
Have my found photos from New York and Orlando inspired you? Let me know in the comments down below.