What 2017 Taught Me

what 2017 taught me

It was earlier this year that I wrote a blog post about what 2016 has taught me from myself, other people and the world around us. Here is what 2017 taught me. I thought I would re-do it for this year as quite a few things have changed and it’s a great way to reflect on the year. Check out my other lifestyle posts.


So many countries are still so behind with legalising same sex marriage

It wasn’t until Australia legalised same sex marriage that I really realised how many countries are still so behind and need to think about what they’re going to do. It is amazing how many countries especially third world countries don’t recognise or even allow it. It’s the 21st century and people are still so unaccepting of other sexualities and identities. Even Ireland have trouble recognising same sex couples and different identities. Why are they so behind and only doing something about it now?

what 2017 taught me

We can’t look after the Earth like this 

How many times have we heard the phrases “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” and “Pick It Up”.  and how many people I still see leaving their rubbish on the floor and not putting it in the bin. We have that same issue around the sea and rivers. The latest series of Blue Planet 2 really brought to our attention how much rubbish ends up in our seas. It can affect the wildlife and animals in it.  When I was in primary school it was drummed into me to always through your rubbish in the bin. But for some people it clearly hasn’t stuck or they just blindly ignore it over sheer ignorance.

I can conquer things when I put my mind to it

I have overcome quite a few of my fears this year. That included: going to the gym, hiking a mountain. And travelling on my own with 59 other strangers from around the country. And I’ve conquered all of them in one year – that’s something I never would have thought I would do!

Animal cruelty is much more recognised but still needs stopping

This past year I have done everything in my power to do my bit for the animals in our world by turning cruelty free with my cosmetics, vegetarian with my food and wear more faux clothing as well as spread awareness to animals who are being treated horribly and used for their fur and skins.

Bad things happen that are out of our control 

A lot of things that have happened this year that have been way of our control that haven’t turned out for the best especially Brexit and Donald Trump being elected.

What things have you learned this year? What has this year taught you?

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