Anxiety vs Dating

The ever ongoing battle of living with anxiety and trying to date. If you’ve ever had an anxiety vs dating situation, let me know. If you like me suffer from anxiety, then you will know all too well about the difficulties of everyday life let alone your dating life as well. Here I’m putting together scenarios of anxiety vs life and the actual probable reality of it to help put your mind at ease a little more. Find out what Anxiety vs Dating is about by reading this post.
Now I know it will only put your mind at ease for a little bit as I know it doesn’t last very long and you instantly revert back to worrying again but at least it will help for a little bit. This has kind of been a bit of therapy for me as I’m struggling too. Hopefully this will make other people aware of what it’s like for us.
Scenario 1: He’s clearly online but doesn’t message you back.
You immediately think of the worst! He’s talking to someone else. He doesn’t care about me anymore. He’s probably bored of me now. I’ve scared him away with my constant messages. He’s found someone better than me.
He’s probably busy with work. Probably not near his phone. He’s probably busy with family or friends.
Scenario 2: Deciding when it’s an appropriate moment to tell a new partner/date you have an anxiety disorder.
Shit he’s probably going to think I’m crazy. He won’t want to talk to me now. Will I scare him away? He won’t want anything to do with this loony.
Take a deep breath, he should understand this is a real mental illness. There will be other girls out there with the same problem as you. He can’t dismiss you for something that is part of you.
Scenario 3: Counting the hours it takes for them to respond to a message.
Why is he ignoring me? Oh god he hates me now! I’ve annoyed him with all my messages now. He’s found someone else, hasn’t he? He doesn’t like me anymore. What’s taking him so long?
Take a deep breath, he’s probably busy. (Again linking in with the first scenario) He’s probably with friends or family. He doesn’t have his phone on him all the time. His phones probably died.
Scenario 4: Trying really hard not to push them away because you’re so terrified of being left by them.
Shit he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. He’s going to leave me now. I’m pushing him away aren’t I?
He’s got to understand that this is part of your anxiety and that you don’t want to be left or abandoned.
Scenario 5: Constantly reminding yourself that it’s possible for someone to like you.
Living with anxiety can feel a lot like the world is against you and everything is unfair and no one can possibly like you. Shit he doesn’t like me now? Why would anyone like me? I’m not pretty like she is? I don’t have her body? She’s better than me.
You are good enough, you are amazing. Keep telling yourself this.
Image used in this post is credit to Ivory Mix.
Have you experienced any of these in a relationship or while dating? How do you cope with it?