
4 Tips On How To Boost Your Blog Traffic

I might not be the best person to talk about this as I don’t have an amazing amount of followers. These are my 4 tips on how to boost your blog traffic. I have noticed quite a big growth in my blogging stats recently. Where most of my social media following has nearly doubled especially my Twitter followers. A year ago on Twitter I was probably on about 200 followers and now I’ve finally reached 600+. I found that doing a few different things to share my blog and blog posts has really helped. These are my tips to help boost your blog traffic but you do need to work on it a lot.



Most bloggers I know have their own Pinterest account where they have created different boards for different things from beauty products and tips, dream home decor or their dream wedding themes and schemes but I’ve also created one for my blog posts where I pin each blog post to the board. I’ve found quite a few people if they are active on Pinterest find this board easily if they search for ‘BLOG’ in the search bar.


I’ve recently just joined Stumbleupon after hearing about it from another website and thought I would give it a go. I can basically save my blog posts to SU and link in relevant categories and topics to it so people can find it via those. People can then read your blog posts via that or click the link that goes straight to your blog.

READ MORE: More Ways To Boost Your Blog Traffic

Share through Instagram, Twitter & Facebook

Having the most social medias set up is the best way to stay connected to your readers and fellow bloggers. Keep posting to your social media to keep readers and followers up to date and so they know when you’ve posted a new post and post it a few times a day at different times in case someone missed it.

Joining in on Twitter chats

Joining in on Twitter chats was probably one of the best things I have done to help promote my blog more. Regular bloggers chats are on throughout the week at different times of day in which you can join in and answer the different questions asked to do with the days theme and get to know other bloggers in the process whilst promoting yourself as the Twitter accounts who host the chats will retweet and share your tweets for others to see. It’s a great way of meeting new and like minded people as well as promoting yourself.

Image used in this post in credit to fauxels on Pexels.

What things have helped you increase your blog traffic?

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  1. This is a great post! I find taking part in the chats is the best way to build your blog traffic. It’s a great way to meet blogger friends too. Danielle

    1. I totally agree, it’s one of the best things I’ve done to help boost my blog traffic which has been a bit quiet recently 🙁 Hopefully I can pick it up soon! x

      1. Oh don’t worry, mine has too. I think it’s partially to do with the numbers that Bloglovin’ is now stealing. I can see people are reading my posts on the analytics for that but it’s not translating into my Jetpack stats which is infuriating!

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