11 Laws & Rules You Need To Know For Singapore

One thing that shocked me the most about the city despite loving it so much was their unusual and crazy laws in Singapore (you can read the full list here). I have to admit I understand one side of the rules that they have but on the other side some of them baffle me completely. Their  impeccable cleanliness and low crime rate are what makes Singapore known worldwide. These are the 11 rules and laws you need to know for Singapore before you go.



Any form of singing, reciting or uttering any ballad or obscene song in public is illegal.
If you are caught you could be given 3 months imprisonment, a fine or both.

My opinion: This one is crazy to me. In the UK, people are allowed to sing outside and in public especially if they are busking (performing on the streets for money), are a football fan or having a party in public. I don’t see anything wrong with doing this in public, unless you have an opinion on why it is?


Trying to connect another persons wifi without their consent is seen as hacking.
The penalty for this is a hefty S$10,000 fine, 3 years in prison, or both.

My opinion: I can agree with this one, especially if they don’t have permission. If it helps keep hacking down, this one would be amazing to implement worldwide.


Feeding pigeons might not sound like a criminal offense, but in Singapore it is as it could attract vermin.
If they catch you throwing your leftovers away to the birds, it will cost you S$500.

My opinion: I kind of agree with this one, especially if it helps keep the streets clean. We don’t knowingly feed the pigeons in the UK but they are cheeky and eat the bird seeds that people leave out for the pretty and smaller birds like Robins, Blue tits and Black birds. Magpies, seagulls and pigeons are the worst for this.


Now this is one of the rules that really caught my eye and baffles me beyond compare. They always promote equality yet they are totally against same sex relationships and marriages. They are one of the countries who are miles behind when it comes to sexuality equality and I really think they should change this.

Same sex relationships are forbidden in Singapore although this law is not nearly as strictly enforced as some of the other laws. It used to be under the umbrella of sex against the order of nature.
You could face up to 2 years in prison if caught. 

My opinion: Now this one I think rattled me more than the rest. What is wrong with freedom to express yourself, love who you want and be who you want? Everyone is so quick to judge others on who they love and what they love but can’t take the time to accept those for who they are. This one needs to be changed ASAP. We are in a world where everyone wants equality and it should be everywhere now!

laws in singapore


Now if you don’t flush the toilet after you’ve been, there must be something seriously wrong with you. It is against the law in Singapore to not flush a public toilet. And don’t even think of urinating in elevators. The toilets are fitted with a Urine Detection Device (UDD). It sets off an alarm and closes the doors until the police arrive. Whether that is to scare you or is actually true, I would recommend making sure the toilet is flushed.
The penalty for not flushing is S$150.

My opinion: This one really made me laugh, but I do get it. It’s not nice going into a toilet that is absolutely digusting and pretty much unuseable. I hate going into toilets and finding toilet paper sprawled across the floor, urine on the toilet seat and other things. I don’t really want to spend my time cleaning up after someone else which is really unhygienic. I think we should implement something like this in the UK.


There is nothing worse than a smoker blowing their smoke in your face or having it blow towards you and it absolutely stinks. In Singapore, there’s a law against smoking in public places and in vehicles. And protect people from secondhand smoke. Although it’s not illegal to buy cigarettes or smoke in your own home. It is illegal to smoke in public.
The penalty for smoking in public is between S$152 – S$760. 

My opinion: I get this one, smoking should be illegal everywhere and cigarettes should not be available. It is so harmful to your health and to others around you. It used to be cool, sociable and the thing to do especially if you had the money, but now it’s just digusting, expensive and not great for your health.


This one made me laugh rather a lot. If you are caught naked in your house you may face pornography charges, which can lead to imprisonment or big fines. So close the curtains next time you’re getting ready for shower in front of the window.
This rule has a hefty fine of S$1,000

My opinion: I find this one odd especially if you aren’t doing it on purpose. The person looking in your window at you naked should be the one in trouble. It’s your house, you can do what you think to an extent.


Whilst chewing gum is okay, selling it is actually forbidden. I have no idea how you can chew gum in Singapore if it’s illegal to sell it or bring it into the country unless certain shops have been given approval to sell chewing gum. There is an exception for certain gum to be purchased which includes nicotine gum and dental gum.

I have also read in places that tourists visiting Singapore are allowed only two packs of chewing gum per person. As you leave the airport there is a ‘chewing gum declaration’ booth in which you have to declare how much chewing gum you have on you.
The penalty is 2 years in prison or a $100,000 fine.

My opinion: I find the selling chewing gum law very strange. I get that it’s to stop chewing gum from being thrown on the floor but the selling it isn’t the problem, it’s the people who throw it on the floor. I agree people should be fined for throwing it on the floor and not in a bin. The fine amount and imprisonment is a bit harsh, but I think a fine should be implemented to those who throw it on the floor to go towards clean up.

crazy rules in singapore


One rule came up on the back of the immigration card in Singapore and that was for smuggling drugs.It is important to note that the Singaporean authority does not distinguish between drugs taken back home before you entered the country, and those taken within their borders.

The Singapore police are allowed to run a random drug test on both locals and visiting foreigners. Make sure you are cleared of any substance before entering the country. Or never ever consume! The penalty is very morbid but understandable.
The penalty for smuggling drugs is the death penalty.

My opinion: I get this should be illegal but I’m not sure the death penalty is the way to go? It’s a bit strange for me as a Westerner where the punishment for selling, smuggling or taking drugs is a long jail sentence but people do get out early from prison for “good behaviour”, so maybe this is something we should do to stop reoffenders. What do you think?


One of the crazy rules in Singapore is that it’s illegal to commit suicide. This one got me, it’s more the attempting to commit suicide rather than actually doing it that they can charge you. Singapore is said to have a happy population but I have no idea how they can monitor the populations happiness. If you know, please let me know?!

Suicide in Singapore is a serious issue in the country. The issues have been rising in recent years, with the rate of suicide increasing for all demographics. It is the leading cause of death for those aged between 10 and 29 years old. Males account for the most suicides at over 66.6% of all suicides. It is also illegal to assist those wanting to commit suicide as well.
The punishment is imprisonment for a term around one year, or a fine, or both.

My opinion: I find this a very strange one as I guess it will stop people from trying to commit suicide if they don’t have the money to pay for the fine or to go to prison but if you are really unhappy they should give you the support to get through it rather than fine or imprison you.


Jaywalking is a term more known in the US and is now more widely used in many other countries. It refers to the reckless or illegal crossing of pedestrians on roads. In Singapore, jaywalking mainly refers to crossing the street in non-designated areas. Make sure you look for marked pedestrian lanes before crossing the street.
If caught the penalty for jaywalking is a S$20 fine on the spot, a fine of up to S$1,000, or three months of jail time.
The punishment doubles to a fine of up to S$2,000 and six months in prison if you’re caught jaywalking twice.

My opinion: We don’t really have trouble with jaywalking, meaning it’s not an offense to commit in England. We have designated crossings for people to use when crossing the road but sometimes people are lazy and cross where they want to. Sometimes this can be a problem and can cause accidents, so maybe we should implement this into the laws? I think £20 for a on the spot fine is fine and use it to improve the road conditions and road safety measures, but maybe an excess of £1,000 is too much?!

What are your thoughts on these crazy rules in Singapore? Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below.


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  1. I live in singapore and some of these rules still baffle me to this day! The laws are truly crazy. Recently, personal mobility devices were banned too!

    1. Awh awesome, I love Singapore. It’s one of my favourite countries. They are crazy aren’t they, but I do agree with some. How come mobility devices have been banned? x

  2. Whaaat, no singing?! Gosh I’m so glad I read that as I have a habit of humming or singing quietly to myself when my mind drifts. And I’m appalled to read about their homophobic laws… Especially because I thought that they were pretty advanced! Let’s hope that changes in the near future. Gosh that one about peeing in the lift made me chuckle though!

    1. I know right, some of them are really shocking but at the same time I do agree with some of them. They have such a low crime rate as well which is amazing! I’m heartbroken about the no gay marriage/relationship law but I really do hope they change that soon. They are really advanced but obviously not in that area which is horrible! x

    1. Some of the rules are crazy but I can totally see why they disapprove of some of them – no chewing gum allowed but their paths and roads are ridiculously clean without a single piece of gum smushed into the path xx

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